Aminet 25
Aminet 25 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 1998].iso
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Text File
797 lines
xdef _R_RenderSegLoop
xdef @R_RenderSegLoop
xdef _R_PointToDist
xdef @R_PointToDist
xdef @R_RenderMaskedSegRange
xdef _R_RenderMaskedSegRange
xdef @R_ScaleFromGlobalAngle
xdef _R_ScaleFromGlobalAngle
include "exec/types.i"
section text,code
near a4,-2
xref _segtextured ; boolean
xref _markfloor ; boolean
xref _markceiling ; boolean
xref _maskedtexture ; boolean
xref _maskedtexturecol ; short *
xref _toptexture ; short
xref _bottomtexture ; short
xref _midtexture ; short
xref _rw_x ; int
xref _rw_stopx ; int
xref _rw_centerangle ; angle_t
xref _rw_offset ; fixed_t
xref _rw_distance ; fixed_t
xref _rw_scale ; fixed_t
xref _rw_scalestep ; fixed_t
xref _rw_midtexturemid ; fixed_t
xref _rw_toptexturemid ; fixed_t
xref _rw_bottomtexturemid ; fixed_t
xref _pixhigh ; fixed_t
xref _pixlow ; fixed_t
xref _pixhighstep ; fixed_t
xref _pixlowstep ; fixed_t
xref _topfrac ; fixed_t
xref _topstep ; fixed_t
xref _bottomfrac ; fixed_t
xref _bottomstep ; fixed_t
xref _walllights ; lighttable_t **
xref _ceilingclip ; short *
xref _ceilingplane ; visplane_t *
xref _floorclip ; short *
xref _floorplane ; visplane_t *
xref _xtoviewangle ; angle_t *
xref _finetangent ; fixed_t[]
xref _FixedMul
xref _colfunc
xref _dc_x
xref _dc_iscale
xref _dc_yl
xref _dc_yh
xref _dc_colormap
xref _dc_texturemid
xref _dc_source
xref _viewheight
xref @R_GetColumn
cnop 0,4
movem.l d2-d7/a2/a3/a5/a6,-(sp)
movea.l _rw_x(a4),a2 ; a2 = rw_x
movea.l _topfrac(a4),a3 ; a3 = topfrac
movea.l _bottomfrac(a4),a5 ; a5 = bottomfrac
movea.l _rw_scale(a4),a6 ; a6 = rw_scale
bra.w 1$ ; for ( ; rw_x < rw_stopx ; rw_x++)
20$ move.l a2,d0 ; d0 = rw_x
move.l a3,d7 ; d7 = topfrac
;;; lea _ceilingclip(a4),a0 ; a0 -> ceilingclip
movea.l _ceilingclip(a4),a0 ; a0 -> ceilingclip
subq.l #1,d7 ; d7 = topfrac - 1
move.w (a0,d0.l*2),d3 ; d3.w = ceilingclip[rw_x]
asr.l #8,d7 ; d7 = (topfrac - 1) >> 8
ext.l d3 ; d3 = ceilingclip[rw_x]
asr.l #4,d7 ; d7 = (topfrac - 1) >> 12
addq.l #1,d3 ; d3 = top = ceilingclip[rw_x] + 1
addq.l #1,d7 ; d7 = yl = (topfrac + (1 << 12) - 1) >> 12
cmp.l d3,d7
bge.b 2$
move.l d3,d7 ; d7 = yl = ceilingclip[rw_x] + 1
2$ tst.l _markceiling(a4) ; if (markceiling) {
beq.b 3$
;;; lea _floorclip(a4),a1 ; a1 -> floorclip
movea.l _floorclip(a4),a1 ; a1 -> floorclip
move.l d7,d4 ; d4 = yl
move.w (a1,d0.l*2),d1 ; d1.w = floorclip[rw_x]
subq.l #1,d4 ; d4 = bottom = yl - 1
ext.l d1 ; d1 = floorclip[rw_x]
cmp.l d1,d4 ; if (bottom >= floorclip[rw_x])
blt.b 4$
move.l d1,d4
subq.l #1,d4 ; d4 = bottom = floorclip[rw_x] - 1
4$ cmp.l d4,d3 ; if (top <= bottom)
bgt.b 3$
;;; movea.l _ceilingplane(a4),a1
;;; adda.l d0,a1 ; a1 -> ceilingplane->0[rw_x]
;;; move.b d3,$15(a1) ; ceilingplane->top[rw_x] = top
;;; move.b d4,$157(a1) ; ceilingplane->bottom[rw_x] = bottom
movea.l _ceilingplane(a4),a0
movea.l 20(a0),a1
move.w d3,(a1,d0.l*2) ; ceilingplane->top[rw_x] = top
movea.l 24(a0),a1
move.w d4,(a1,d0.l*2) ; ceilingplane->bottom[rw_x] = bottom
3$ move.l a5,d3 ; d3 = bottomfrac
;;; lea _floorclip(a4),a1 ; a1 -> floorclip
movea.l _floorclip(a4),a1 ; a1 -> floorclip
asr.l #8,d3 ; d3 = bottomfrac >> 8
move.w (a1,d0.l*2),d1 ; d1.w = floorclip[rw_x]
asr.l #4,d3 ; d3 = yh = bottomfrac >> 12
ext.l d1 ; d1 = floorclip[rw_x]
cmp.l d1,d3 ; if (yh >= floorclip[rw_x])
blt.b 5$
move.l d1,d3
subq.l #1,d3 ; d3 = yh = floorclip[rw_x] - 1
5$ tst.l _markfloor(a4) ; if (markfloor)
beq.b 6$
move.l d3,d4 ; d4 = yh
;;; lea _ceilingclip(a4),a0 ; a0 -> ceilingclip
movea.l _ceilingclip(a4),a0 ; a0 -> ceilingclip
move.w (a0,d0.l*2),d2 ; d2.w = ceilingclip[rw_x]
addq.l #1,d4 ; d4 = top = yh + 1
ext.l d2 ; d2 = ceilingclip[rw_x]
subq.l #1,d1 ; d1 = bottom = floorclip[rw_x] - 1
cmp.l d2,d4 ; if (top <= ceilingclip[rw_x])
bgt.b 7$
move.l d2,d4
addq.l #1,d4 ; d4 = top = ceilingclip[rw_x] + 1
7$ cmp.l d1,d4 ; if (top <= bottom)
bgt.b 6$
;;; movea.l _floorplane(a4),a1
;;; adda.l d0,a1 ; a1 -> floorplane->0[rw_x]
;;; move.b d4,$15(a1) ; floorplane->top[rw_x] = top
;;; move.b d1,$157(a1) ; floorplane->bottom[rw_x] = bottom
movea.l _floorplane(a4),a0
movea.l 20(a0),a1
move.w d4,(a1,d0.l*2) ; ceilingplane->top[rw_x] = top
movea.l 24(a0),a1
move.w d1,(a1,d0.l*2) ; ceilingplane->bottom[rw_x] = bottom
6$ tst.l _segtextured(a4) ; if (segtextured)
beq.b 8$
;;; lea _xtoviewangle(a4),a0 ; a0 -> xtoviewangle
movea.l _xtoviewangle(a4),a0 ; a0 -> xtoviewangle
move.l _rw_centerangle(a4),d1
add.l (a0,d0.l*4),d1 ; d1 = rw_centerangle + xtoviewangle[rw_x]
swap d1 ; d1 = angle
lea (_finetangent),a0 ; a0 -> finetangent
lsr.w #3,d1
move.l (a0,d1.w*4),d0 ; d0 = finetangent[angle]
movea.l _FixedMul(a4),a0
move.l _rw_distance(a4),d1
jsr (a0) ; d0 = FixedMul(finetangent[angle],rw_distance)
move.l _rw_offset(a4),d5
move.l a6,d4 ; d4 = rw_scale
sub.l d0,d5 ; d5 = rw_offset-FixedMul(finetangent[angle],rw_distance)
asr.l #8,d4
swap d5 ; d5.w = texturecolumn >>= 16
asr.l #4,d4 ; d4 = index = rw_scale >> 12
ext.l d5 ; d5 = texturecolumn
moveq #$30,d2 ; d2 = MAXLIGHTSCALE = $30
cmp.l d2,d4 ; if (index >= MAXLIGHTSCALE)
bcs.b 9$
moveq #$2f,d4 ; d4 = index = MAXLIGHTSCALE - 1
9$ movea.l _walllights(a4),a0
moveq #-1,d0 ; d0 = $ffffffff
move.l (a0,d4.l*4),_dc_colormap(a4) ; dc_colormap = walllights[index]
move.l a2,_dc_x(a4) ; dc_x = rw_x
move.l a6,d1 ; d1 = rw_scale
divu.l d1,d0
move.l d0,_dc_iscale(a4) ; dc_iscale = $ffffffff / rw_scale
8$ move.l _midtexture(a4),d0 ; if (midtexture)
beq.b 10$
move.l d7,_dc_yl(a4) ; dc_yl = yl
move.l d3,_dc_yh(a4) ; dc_yh = yh
move.l _rw_midtexturemid(a4),_dc_texturemid(a4)
move.l d5,d1 ; d1 = texturecolumn
jsr (@R_GetColumn)
move.l d0,_dc_source(a4) ; dc_source = R_GetColumn(midtexture,texturecolumn)
movea.l _colfunc(a4),a0
jsr (a0) ; colfunc()
move.l a2,d0 ; d0 = rw_x
move.l _viewheight(a4),d1 ; d1 = viewheight
;;; lea _ceilingclip(a4),a0
movea.l _ceilingclip(a4),a0
move.w d1,(a0,d0.l*2) ; ceilingclip[rw_x] = viewheight
;;; lea _floorclip(a4),a0
movea.l _floorclip(a4),a0
move.w #$ffff,(a0,d0.l*2) ; floorclip[rw_x] = -1
bra.w 11$
10$ move.l _toptexture(a4),d0 ; if (toptexture)
beq.b 12$
move.l _pixhighstep(a4),d1 ; d1 = pixhighstep
move.l _pixhigh(a4),d2 ; d2 = pixhigh
add.l d1,_pixhigh(a4) ; pixhigh += pixhighstep
;;; lea _floorclip(a4),a0 ; a0 -> floorclip
movea.l _floorclip(a4),a0 ; a0 -> floorclip
asr.l #8,d2 ; d2 = pixhigh >> 8
move.l a2,d1 ; d1 = rw_x
move.w (a0,d1.l*2),d1 ; d1.w = floorclip[rw_x]
asr.l #4,d2 ; d2 = pixhigh >> 12
ext.l d1 ; d1 = floorclip[rw_x]
move.l d2,d6 ; d6 = mid = pixhigh >> 12
cmp.l d1,d6 ; if (mid >= floorclip[rw_x])
blt.b 13$
move.l d1,d6
subq.l #1,d6 ; d6 = mid = floorclip[rw_x] - 1
13$ cmp.l d7,d6 ; if (mid >= yl)
blt.b 14$
move.l d7,_dc_yl(a4) ; dc_yl = yl
move.l d6,_dc_yh(a4) ; dc_yh = mid
move.l _rw_toptexturemid(a4),_dc_texturemid(a4)
move.l d5,d1 ; d1 = texturecolumn, d0 = toptexture
jsr (@R_GetColumn)
move.l d0,_dc_source(a4) ; dc_source = R_GetColumn(d0,d1)
movea.l _colfunc(a4),a0
jsr (a0) ; colfunc()
move.l a2,d0 ; d0 = rw_x
;;; lea _ceilingclip(a4),a0
movea.l _ceilingclip(a4),a0
move.w d6,(a0,d0.l*2) ; ceilingclip[rw_x] = mid
bra.b 15$
12$ tst.l _markceiling(a4) ; else if (markceiling)
beq.b 15$
14$ subq.l #1,d7 ; d7 = yl - 1
move.l a2,d0 ; d0 = rw_x
;;; lea _ceilingclip(a4),a0
movea.l _ceilingclip(a4),a0
move.w d7,(a0,d0.l*2) ; ceilingclip[rw_x] = yl - 1
15$ move.l _bottomtexture(a4),d0 ; if (bottomtexture)
beq.b 16$
move.l _pixlow(a4),d6 ; d6 = pixlow
move.l d6,d1 ; d1 = pixlow
;;; lea _ceilingclip(a4),a0 ; a0 -> ceilingclip
movea.l _ceilingclip(a4),a0 ; a0 -> ceilingclip
add.l _pixlowstep(a4),d1 ; d1 = pixlow + pixlowstep
subq.l #1,d6 ; d6 = pixlow - 1
move.l d1,_pixlow(a4) ; pixlow += pixlowstep
asr.l #8,d6 ; d6 = (pixlow - 1) >> 8
move.l a2,d1 ; d1 = rw_x
asr.l #4,d6 ; d6 = (pixlow - 1) >> 12
move.w (a0,d1.l*2),d1 ; d1.w = ceilingclip[rw_x]
addq.l #1,d6 ; d6 = mid = (pixlow + (1 << 12) - 1) >> 12
ext.l d1 ; d1 = ceilingclip[rw_x]
cmp.l d1,d6 ; if (mid <= ceilingclip[rw_x])
bgt.b 17$
move.l d1,d6
addq.l #1,d6 ; d6 = mid = ceilingclip[rw_x] + 1
17$ cmp.l d3,d6 ; if (mid <= yh)
bgt.b 18$
move.l d6,_dc_yl(a4) ; dc_yl = mid
move.l d3,_dc_yh(a4) ; dc_yh = yh
move.l _rw_bottomtexturemid(a4),_dc_texturemid(a4)
move.l d5,d1 ; d1 = texturecolumn, d0 = bottomtexture
jsr (@R_GetColumn)
move.l d0,_dc_source(a4) ; dc_source = R_GetColumn(d0,d1)
movea.l _colfunc(a4),a0
jsr (a0) ; colfunc ()
move.l a2,d0 ; d0 = rw_x
;;; lea _floorclip(a4),a0
movea.l _floorclip(a4),a0
move.w d6,(a0,d0.l*2) ; floorclip[rw_x] = mid
bra.b 19$
16$ tst.l _markfloor(a4) ; else if (markfloor)
beq.b 19$
18$ addq.l #1,d3 ; d3 = yh + 1
move.l a2,d0 ; d0 = rw_x
;;; lea _floorclip(a4),a0
movea.l _floorclip(a4),a0
move.w d3,(a0,d0.l*2) ; floorclip[rw_x] = yh + 1
19$ tst.l _maskedtexture(a4) ; if (maskedtexture)
beq.b 11$
move.l a2,d0 ; d0 = rw_x
movea.l _maskedtexturecol(a4),a0
move.w d5,(a0,d0.l*2) ; maskedtexturecol[rw_x] = texturecolumn
11$ adda.l _rw_scalestep(a4),a6 ; rw_scale += rw_scalestep
adda.l _topstep(a4),a3 ; topfrac += topstep
adda.l _bottomstep(a4),a5 ; bottomfrac += bottomstep
addq.l #1,a2 ; rw_x++
1$ cmpa.l _rw_stopx(a4),a2
blt.w 20$
move.l a2,_rw_x(a4)
move.l a3,_topfrac(a4)
move.l a5,_bottomfrac(a4)
move.l a6,_rw_scale(a4)
movem.l (sp)+,d2-d7/a2/a3/a5/a6
; R_PointToDist (in r_main.c) by Arto Huusko <arto.huusko@pp.qnet.fi>
xref _tantoangle ;FAR angle_t tantoangle[2049]
xref _FixedDiv
xref _finesine ;FAR int finesine[10240]
xref _viewx
xref _viewy
ANG90 equ $40000000
move.l d2,-(sp)
move.l _FixedDiv(a4),a1
move.l d0,d2
move.l d1,d0
sub.l _viewx(a4),d2
bpl .rp_1OK
neg.l d2
sub.l _viewy(a4),d0
bpl .rp_2OK
neg.l d0
cmp.l d0,d2
bge .rp_3OK
move.l d0,d1
move.l d2,d0
move.l d1,d2
move.l d2,d1
jsr (a1)
asr.l #DBITS,d0
move.l #_tantoangle,a0
move.l (a0,d0.l*4),d1
add.l #ANG90,d1
asr.l d0,d1
move.l #_finesine,a0
move.l (a0,d1.l*4),d1
move.l d2,d0
jsr (a1)
move.l (sp)+,d2
;( fixed_t x,
; fixed_t y )
; int angle;
; fixed_t dx;
; fixed_t dy;
; fixed_t temp;
; fixed_t dist;
; dx = iabs(x - viewx);
; dy = iabs(y - viewy);
; if (dy>dx)
; {
; temp = dx;
; dx = dy;
; dy = temp;
; }
; angle = (tantoangle[ FixedDiv(dy,dx)>>DBITS ]+ANG90) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
; // use as cosine
; dist = FixedDiv (dx, finesine[angle] );
; return dist;
; R_RenderMaskedSegRange (in r_segs.c) by Arto Huusko <arto.huusko@pp.qnet.fi>
xref _curline
xref _frontsector
xref _backsector
xref _extralight
xref _walllights ;lighttable_t**
xref _scalelight ;FAR lighttable_t* scalelight[LIGHTLEVELS][MAXLIGHTSCALE]
xref _maskedtexturecol ;short*
xref _rw_scalestep
xref _spryscale
xref _mfloorclip
xref _mceilingclip
xref _dc_texturemid
xref _dc_colormap
xref _fixedcolormap
xref _dc_x
xref _sprtopscreen
xref _centeryfrac
xref _FixedMul
xref @R_GetColumn
xref @R_DrawMaskedColumn
xref _dc_iscale
xref _texturetranslation ;int *
xref _textureheight ;fixed_t*
xref _viewz
ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM equ 16 ;bit number is 4
STRUCTURE drawseg,0
APTR ds_curline
LONG ds_x1
LONG ds_x2
LONG ds_scale1
LONG ds_scale2
LONG ds_scalestep
LONG ds_silhouette
LONG ds_bsilheight
LONG ds_tsilheight
APTR ds_sprtopclip
APTR ds_sprbottomclip
APTR ds_maskedtexturecol
LABEL ds_size
APTR s_v1
APTR s_v2
LONG s_offset
LONG s_angle
APTR s_sidedef
APTR s_linedef
APTR s_frontsect
APTR s_backsect
LABEL s_size
STRUCTURE sector,0
LONG st_floorheight
LONG st_ceilingheight
WORD st_floorpic
WORD st_ceilingpic
WORD st_lightlevel
WORD st_special
WORD st_tag
LONG st_soundtraversed
APTR st_soundtarget
STRUCT st_blockbox,5
;etc. etc.
STRUCTURE vertex,0
LONG v_x
LONG v_y
APTR l_v1
APTR l_v2
LONG l_dx
LONG l_dy
WORD l_flags
WORD l_special
WORD l_tag
LONG sd_textureoffset
LONG sd_rowoffset
WORD sd_toptexture
WORD sd_bottomtexture
WORD sd_midtexture
APTR sd_sector
movem.l d2-d7/a2/a3/a5,-(sp)
move.l d0,d5 ;store x1
move.l d1,d6 ;and x2
;we can keep ds in A0 all the way through
move.l ds_curline(a0),a1 ;curline.. kept in a1
move.l s_frontsect(a1),a2 ;used soon below
move.l a1,_curline(a4)
move.l a2,_frontsector(a4)
;texnum is calculated later...
;BTW the walllights variable is not really used at all in this context
;for anything else but storage.. so lets just put it to a register.. faster!
moveq #0,d2
move.w st_lightlevel(a2),d2
move.l s_backsect(a1),_backsector(a4)
add.l _extralight(a4),d2
move.l #_scalelight,a5 ;walllights=scalelight[0]
move.l s_v1(a1),a3 ;pick coords from vertex one.. compare from vertex two
move.l v_y(a3),d0
move.l v_x(a3),d1
move.l s_v2(a1),a3
cmp.l v_y(a3),d0
bne.b .rr_Skip1
subq.l #1,d2
bra.b .rr_LN1Go
cmp.l v_x(a3),d1
bne.b .rr_LN1Go
addq.l #1,d2
tst.l d2
bmi.b .rr_LightsOK ;negative.. keep walllights as it is
cmp.l #16,d2
bmi.b .rr_LightnumOK
add.l #2880,a5
bra.b .rr_LightsOK
move.l d2,d1
lsl.l #7,d2
lsl.l #6,d1
add.l d1,a5
add.l d2,a5 ;scalelight[lightnum]
move.l ds_maskedtexturecol(a0),_maskedtexturecol(a4)
move.l ds_scalestep(a0),d1
move.l d1,_rw_scalestep(a4)
move.l ds_sprbottomclip(a0),_mfloorclip(a4)
move.l ds_sprtopclip(a0),_mceilingclip(a4)
move.l d5,d0
sub.l ds_x1(a0),d0
muls.l d1,d0
add.l ds_scale1(a0),d0
move.l d0,_spryscale(a4)
move.l s_sidedef(a1),a0
move.l sd_rowoffset(a0),_dc_texturemid(a4) ;dc_texturemid += curline->sidedef->rowoffset
move.w sd_midtexture(a0),d0
move.l _texturetranslation(a4),a0
move.l (a0,d0.w*4),d7 ;texnum
move.l s_linedef(a1),a0
move.w l_flags(a0),d0
move.l _frontsector(a4),a0
move.l _backsector(a4),a2
btst.l #4,d0 ;test for ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM
beq.b .rr_tmid2
move.l st_floorheight(a0),d0
cmp.l st_floorheight(a2),d0
bgt.b .rrtm1_OK
move.l st_floorheight(a2),d0
sub.l _viewz(a4),d0
move.l _textureheight(a4),a0
add.l (a0,d7.l*4),d0
add.l d0,_dc_texturemid(a4)
bra.b .rr_tmidDone
move.l st_ceilingheight(a0),d0
cmp.l st_ceilingheight(a2),d0
blt.b .rrtm2_OK
move.l st_ceilingheight(a2),d0
sub.l _viewz(a4),d0
add.l d0,_dc_texturemid(a4)
move.l _fixedcolormap(a4),d0
beq.b .rr_NoFixCMAP
move.l d0,_dc_colormap(a4)
;prepare everything for the loop
move.l d5,_dc_x(a4)
sub.l d5,d6
blt.b .rr_SkipLoop
move.l _maskedtexturecol(a4),a3
add.l d5,a3
add.l d5,a3 ;&maskedtexturecol[dc_x]
moveq #12,d5
move.l _FixedMul(a4),a2
move.l _spryscale(a4),d2
move.l _dc_texturemid(a4),d3
move.l _rw_scalestep(a4),d4
cmp.w #MAXSHORT,(a3)
beq.b .rrl_SkipAll
tst.l _fixedcolormap(a4)
bne.b .rrl_SkipCMAP
move.l d2,d0
lsr.l d5,d0
bmi.b .rrl_IndexOK
moveq #48,d0 ;saves us a branch
move.l (a5,d0.l*4),_dc_colormap(a4)
moveq #-1,d0
divu.l d2,d0
move.l _centeryfrac(a4),_sprtopscreen(a4) ;scheduling, helps a bit
move.l d0,_dc_iscale(a4)
move.l d3,d0
move.l d2,d1
jsr (a2)
sub.l d0,_sprtopscreen(a4)
move.l d7,d0
moveq #0,d1
move.w (a3),d1
jsr (@R_GetColumn)
subq.l #3,d0
move.l d0,a0
jsr (@R_DrawMaskedColumn)
move.w #MAXSHORT,(a3)
addq.l #2,a3
addq.l #1,_dc_x(a4)
add.l d4,d2
move.l d2,_spryscale(a4)
dbf d6,.rr_Loop
movem.l (sp)+,d2-d7/a2/a3/a5
;( drawseg_t* ds,
; int x1,
; int x2 )
; unsigned index;
; column_t* col;
; int lightnum;
; int texnum;
; curline = ds->curline;
; frontsector = curline->frontsector;
; backsector = curline->backsector;
; texnum = texturetranslation[curline->sidedef->midtexture];
; lightnum = (frontsector->lightlevel >> LIGHTSEGSHIFT)+extralight;
; if (curline->v1->y == curline->v2->y)
; lightnum--;
; else if (curline->v1->x == curline->v2->x)
; lightnum++;
; if (lightnum < 0)
; walllights = scalelight[0];
; else if (lightnum >= LIGHTLEVELS)
; walllights = scalelight[LIGHTLEVELS-1];
; else
; walllights = scalelight[lightnum];
; maskedtexturecol = ds->maskedtexturecol;
; rw_scalestep = ds->scalestep;
; spryscale = ds->scale1 + (x1 - ds->x1)*rw_scalestep;
; mfloorclip = ds->sprbottomclip;
; mceilingclip = ds->sprtopclip;
; if (curline->linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM)
; {
; dc_texturemid = frontsector->floorheight > backsector->floorheight
; ? frontsector->floorheight : backsector->floorheight;
; dc_texturemid = dc_texturemid + textureheight[texnum] - viewz;
; }
; else
; {
; dc_texturemid =frontsector->ceilingheight<backsector->ceilingheight
; ? frontsector->ceilingheight : backsector->ceilingheight;
; dc_texturemid = dc_texturemid - viewz;
; }
; dc_texturemid += curline->sidedef->rowoffset;
; if (fixedcolormap)
; dc_colormap = fixedcolormap;
; for (dc_x = x1 ; dc_x <= x2 ; dc_x++)
; {
; if (maskedtexturecol[dc_x] != MAXSHORT)
; {
; if (!fixedcolormap)
; {
; index = spryscale>>LIGHTSCALESHIFT;
; if (index >= MAXLIGHTSCALE )
; index = MAXLIGHTSCALE-1;
; dc_colormap = walllights[index];
; }
; sprtopscreen = centeryfrac - FixedMul(dc_texturemid, spryscale);
; dc_iscale = 0xffffffffu / (unsigned)spryscale;
; col = (column_t *)(
; (byte *)R_GetColumn(texnum,maskedtexturecol[dc_x]) -3);
; R_DrawMaskedColumn (col);
; maskedtexturecol[dc_x] = MAXSHORT;
; }
; spryscale += rw_scalestep;
; }
; R_ScaleFromGlobalAngle (in r_main.c) by Arto Huusko <arto.huusko@pp.qnet.fi>
xref _viewangle
xref _rw_normalangle
xref _finesine
xref _projection
xref _rw_distance
xref _FixedMul
xref _FixedDiv
xref _detailshift
;ANG90 EQU $40000000
move.l d2,-(sp)
add.l #ANG90,d0
move.l d0,d1
sub.l _viewangle(a4),d0
sub.l _rw_normalangle(a4),d1
lsr.l d2,d1
lsr.l d2,d0
move.l #_finesine,a0
move.l (a0,d1.l*4),d2 ;sineb
move.l (a0,d0.l*4),d1 ;sinea
move.l _rw_distance(a4),d0
move.l _FixedMul(a4),a1
jsr (a1)
move.l d2,d1
move.l d0,d2
move.l _projection(a4),d0
jsr (a1)
move.l _detailshift(a4),d1
lsl.l d1,d0
move.l d0,d1
swap d1
and.l #$FFFF,d1
cmp.l d2,d1
bpl.b .rs_Return1
move.l d2,d1
move.l _FixedDiv(a4),a0
jsr (a0)
cmp.l #64*(1<<16),d0
bpl.b .rs_Return1
cmp.l #256,d0
bpl.b .rs_Exit
move.l #256,d0
move.l (sp)+,d2
move.l #64*(1<<16),d0
move.l (sp)+,d2